Overcoming Giants: Recognizing the Warning Signs of Fading Faith

Good morning, and welcome to Compassion Church! We’re thrilled to have you with us today as we delve into a powerful message about recognizing the warning signs of fading faith and overcoming the giants in our lives. It’s a joy and privilege to be your pastor, and as we celebrate 16 incredible years together, let’s reflect on the promises, visions, and testimonies that God has blessed us with.

A Promise of Faithfulness

16 years ago, God brought my wife Laurie and me here with a mandate and a vision for this church. We’ve witnessed God fulfilling these promises, and it’s a testimony for you all. Just as God has kept His promises to us, He will do the same for you. Remember that whatever God has spoken about your life and your future, if you trust Him and work hard, He will bring it to pass.

Share the Good and the Bad

As Ron’s senior once wisely said, you can’t only share the good; you have to share the bad. In our journey of faith, we’ll face difficulties and pay a price. But if we remain faithful to God’s calling and work diligently, He will bring His promises to fruition in our lives.

The Importance of Positivity

For our first-time guests, Compassion Church is a place where we have fun. We enjoy God’s presence and the fellowship here. We find joy and laughter in God’s house, so let’s keep the positive vibes flowing.

Faith Amidst the Storms

In challenging times, maintaining faith is crucial. A story about a baseball player who, in the middle of an important game, found solace in reading his Bible teaches us about focusing on God’s Word during stress and difficulties.

Running Yellow Lights – The Warnings of Fading Faith

As we conclude our sermon series on “Running Yellow Lights,” we’ll explore the warnings of diminishing faith. Faith isn’t just about believing when everything goes well, but it’s about trusting God in the face of adversity and believing that He will take care of us.

The Account You Give Determines Your Advancement

The account you give in challenging situations will determine the progress you make. Speak positively, trust God, and proclaim His promises, and you will advance in faith.

Your God is Greater than Your Giant

Remember that your God is always greater than the giants you face. Don’t give power to your problems or the devil. God’s power far surpasses any giant, whether they are challenges or tests from the Lord.

It’s Not What It Seems, But What He Says That Matters

Learn that things aren’t always as they seem. Sometimes, our perceptions can deceive us. Focus on what God says about your life rather than what circumstances may suggest.

Facing Problems with Prayer

When problems arise, your first solution should be seeking God in prayer. Pray for guidance and strength to overcome the challenges you face.

Growing Beyond Giants

When you face giants in life, don’t shrink back. Grow in your relationship with Christ. Your strength and power come from Him, and as you grow, you become bigger than your giants.

Recognizing Warning Signs

We’ve discussed the importance of recognizing the warning signs of fading faith. Just as a car has warning signs when something is amiss, your faith can show signs of trouble. Keep an eye on these signs and take action to strengthen your faith.

In conclusion, recognize the warning signs of fading faith and choose to overcome the giants in your life. Trust that God is greater than any obstacle and maintain a positive, faith-filled attitude. Face your problems with prayer and grow in your relationship with Christ. Remember, your faith is bigger than your challenges, and with God by your side, you can conquer any giant that comes your way. Stay strong, and let your faith shine brightly in the house of the Lord. Amen!