The Power of Overcoming Offense


Offense is something that most of us have experienced at some point in our lives. It can come from a variety of sources, and it can have a negative impact on our relationships and our overall well-being. In this blog, we will explore the concept of offense and how to overcome it. We will delve into the origin of offense, the misconceptions surrounding it, and the importance of not taking things personally. By the end of this blog, you will have a deeper understanding of offense and the tools to combat it in your own life.

Inflicted by Ourselves

Contrary to popular belief, offense is not inflicted by others, but by ourselves. We often blame external factors for our offense, but in reality, it stems from our own insecurities, bitterness, and lack of trust in God. When we allow these internal issues to go unresolved, they become the breeding ground for offense. It is crucial to recognize that we have the power to choose whether or not we will be offended by something. By taking control of our own emotions and reactions, we can prevent offense from taking hold in our lives.

Fueled by Theories and Fairy Tales

Offense is mostly fueled by theories and fairy tales that we create in our minds, rather than actual truths and facts. We tend to make assumptions and jump to conclusions without having all the information. This can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts. It is essential to give people the benefit of the doubt and not make up stories in our heads. By seeking the truth and communicating openly with others, we can avoid falling into the trap of offense based on false perceptions.

Stop Taking Things Personally

One of the most effective ways to overcome offense is to stop taking things personally. Offense has the power to take us prisoner and control our thoughts and actions. When we take offense personally, we allow others to have power over us. Instead, we should learn to step back and let God fight our battles. By letting go of the need to retaliate or prove ourselves right, we free ourselves from the burden of offense and open up opportunities for healing and growth.

Offense is a powerful tool of the enemy that can derail our lives if we allow it to. By understanding the origin of offense, recognizing the role of our own perceptions, and choosing not to take things personally, we can overcome offense and experience freedom and peace. It is a process that requires self-reflection, honesty, and trust in God’s ability to fight our battles. As we journey towards becoming unoffendable, we become better equipped to navigate relationships, handle conflicts, and live a life of forgiveness and grace.