The Power of Commitment

Lessons from Gangster J

What an exciting day to be in the house of the Lord. Today, we’re going to delve into the powerful message from a recent sermon. We’ll explore the importance of commitment, using the story of a biblical figure we’ll affectionately call “Gangster J” to illustrate key lessons. So, put your hands together for Jesus and let’s get started!

The Fear of Commitment

In today’s society, commitment has become a taboo word. People hesitate to commit to anything, whether it’s a relationship, a job, or a cause. We’ve become a generation that values emotions over commitment. If we “feel” like doing something, we’ll do it, but if not, we won’t. This fear of commitment has seeped into every aspect of our lives, including our spiritual commitments.

Statistics Reflect Our Commitment Crisis

To illustrate this commitment crisis, let me share some eye-opening statistics. In 1937, 73% of Americans attended church. However, in 2020, only 47% attended. In 63 years, church attendance declined by 12%, but in the last 20 years alone, it declined by 14%. These statistics clearly show that our commitment to church attendance has waned.

Jesus Seeks Committed Followers

In the face of this commitment crisis, Jesus is looking for committed followers, not occasional fans. He wants us to commit to Him wholeheartedly. Proverbs 16:3 reminds us to commit our ways to the Lord, and He will establish our plans. In John 13:37-38, Peter claimed he’d lay down his life for Jesus, but Jesus questioned his commitment. The message is clear: Jesus seeks unwavering commitment.

Mature vs. Immature Commitment

Mature people live by commitment, while immature individuals live by emotions. Nowadays, many operate solely based on their feelings, leading to broken promises and unfulfilled commitments. We must return to the days when our word was our bond, and a handshake sealed our commitments.

Learning from Gangster J – Lessons on Commitment

Now, let’s dive into the story of “Gangster J,” also known as Jephthah, from the book of Judges, to glean some valuable lessons on commitment. Commitment to Serve God: Jephthah was a mighty warrior, despite his challenging background. He made a vow to the Lord that if God gave him victory over the Ammonites, he’d offer a significant sacrifice. This demonstrates his unwavering commitment to serving God. We should aim for the same level of dedication in our lives.

Commitment to Serve Others

Despite being rejected and cast out by his own family, Jephthah was asked to lead the Israelites against the Ammonites. He could have refused, but he chose to serve others out of commitment to God. We, too, should commit to serving others, irrespective of our past experiences or hurts.

Commitment to Following

Jephthah’s story culminates in a heartbreaking sacrifice – his own daughter. This final act shows the extent of his commitment to following through with his vow to the Lord, even when it drained him emotionally. We should be committed to following Jesus, regardless of the sacrifices it might entail.

Commitment isn’t an outdated concept; it’s a value deeply cherished by God. We should commit to serving God, serving others, and following Jesus, no matter the cost. Just like “Gangster J” and his daughter demonstrated their commitment, we must be unwavering in our dedication to the Lord and to one another. Let’s strive to be the committed followers that Jesus seeks, making a difference in the world through our faith and unwavering commitment.