Trusting Jesus Between Your Ask and His Answer

In this blog post, we will explore a sermon that highlights the importance of trusting Jesus during the waiting period between our prayers and His answers. Drawing inspiration from a powerful story and biblical passage, we will delve into the concept of trusting God’s timing and design in our lives. Join us as we learn valuable lessons about faith, patience, and finding hope in the midst of challenges.

Trusting Jesus in the “Between” Moments

The sermon begins with an engaging anecdote about a synagogue leader named Jairus, whose daughter is gravely ill. Despite the societal divisions between synagogue leaders and Jesus, Jairus humbly approaches Jesus, pleading for His help. This act teaches us that in desperate times, we must prioritize God’s opinion over the judgments of others. When we bring our requests to Jesus, it is essential to remember that He always responds, even if the response may not align with our expectations. Trusting Jesus between our ask and His answer is key to navigating the uncertainties of life.

Embracing Jesus’ Delays as Divine Design

As Jairus and Jesus make their way to Jairus’ house, a woman who had suffered from a bleeding condition for 12 years approaches Jesus. She touches His cloak in faith, experiencing immediate healing. While this miraculous event unfolds, Jairus receives devastating news that his daughter has passed away. The sermon reminds us that what we perceive as delays in our lives are often part of God’s greater plan. These delays are not denials but opportunities for personal growth and development. Jesus’ delay in reaching Jairus’ house was intended to strengthen Jairus’ faith and reveal a deeper purpose.

Discovering Possibilities in the Midst of Problems

In the story, both Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the issue of blood had endured their respective challenges for 12 years. Jesus uses this parallel to teach us that our problems are not roadblocks but opportunities for Him to display His power and love. By focusing on Jesus’ actions and the possibilities He presents, we can find hope even in the midst of our most difficult circumstances. When we step back and examine our situation with spiritual eyes, we will begin to see God’s hand at work, leading us towards His purpose for our lives.

Trusting Jesus between our prayers and His answers is a vital aspect of our faith journey. The sermon highlighted the story of Jairus, his daughter, and the woman with the issue of blood to remind us of three essential lessons. Firstly, we must trust Jesus in the “between” moments, knowing that He is working in our lives even when we cannot see immediate results. Secondly, we should embrace Jesus’ delays as part of His divine design for our personal growth and development. Finally, we must open our hearts to see the possibilities in the midst of our problems, allowing God to reveal His purpose and power. By internalizing these lessons, we can cultivate unwavering faith and experience the transformative love of Jesus Christ in our lives. Remember, the journey of faith is not always straightforward, but when we trust Jesus and seek His presence in our lives, we can find peace and hope in any circumstance.

Trusting Jesus Between Your Ask and His Answer